Thursday, August 23, 2012

Puerto Rico and an hsg test = maybe

   I talked to my doc about "operation hsg" (read previous post) and she said she would order it for me if they accept to perform the test with her orders. Now I just have to wait and see if my cycle goes as planned for that month so I can have the hsg done on CD10. She didn't find anything unusual during the pelvic exam so all clear there. She ordered a SA for my bf so he should be getting that done soon and then we can focus on what the heck is going on with my body.I feel really good now that I feel I may actually get some answers. It is so important that one finds a doctor you can trust, one that will actually help and understands where you're coming from. In the mean time I will be charting temps, cm, cp and "o" tracker. I'm hoping I'll get it right this cycle and not completely miss my window as I did previously. Who knows miracles can happen, I may be pregnant before I get the hsg done *fingers crossed* ;)
Today's quote... "Let hope anchor you in the possibility that this is not the end of your story, that change will bring you to peaceful shores"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

International "Operation hsg"?

Later today I have another appointment with my doctor. I will be having a pelvic exam to check for signs of infection, endometriosis, or any visible signs of what could possibly be causing my infertility. In this past week I had to think about how I would go about getting an hsg test since I have no insurance at the moment. So here's what I have so far...In October I am going to Puerto Rico for my grandparents'  50th wedding anniversary, this trip is already paid for. I found out that an hsg test and required pregnancy test are about a 4th of the price of what I would be charged here in the US so I was thinking while I'm there I could try to get this done. The cons of this whole "operation hsg" are I need a doc there to order the test for me or to at least consider ordering it for me because of my medical history with infertility here, I also have to have the hsg test done on CD10 and though according to my calculations and fertility friend I should be in PR around that time, we all know that predicting your next period is not an exact science so it's all kind of a gamble. Today when I go for my exam I'm going to ask my doc if she can help with this ordeal and if she agrees I'm going to work on finding out if a lab in PR can do it with her ordering the hsg or if a doc in PR will order it based on her recommendations and my medical history. I am praying and hoping this all works out so I can get the hsg done in PR. All prayers, finger crossing and positive thoughts are appreciated.
Today's quote   "The hard times you go through will lead you to the good times you'll have"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cycle Fail... but wait there's more!

This cycle had some unexpected twists and turns. I charted temps, cm, cp and I used O trackers. In spite of my efforts i miscalculated my O day and completely missed my window. I held out hopes that my chart was mistaken as it had been before (it falsely claimed I o'd earlier) so I waited but now after 2 ominous temp drops in a row, I think it's safe to call it a bust. I can't deny I'm disappointed in how it all played out but I have to admit there is still hope and lots of it! :) I have a doc appointment on Wednesday and I'm determined to get some answers and some much needed help. I need to know what my options are, what is going on with my body that's not allowing me to conceive. I will be heard this time, I will not be dismissed because of my age or any other reason for that matter. I need to know. I will not stop fighting, this is what I want most. My biggest dream in life. I'm going to reach for it. As always I would like to leave you all with a quote...

"Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine"