This is not my first rodeo...
As I had stated in my first post I have been ttc before so when I went to buy my ttc supplies I knew what the basics were. I bought an OPK, BBT thermometer (Oh yes, I'm charting) and the dreaded pregnancy tests. See in my first post I failed to mention I had gone to a fertility specialist a few years back and I was "checked out" and apparently everything was in good shape . He actually saw that I was getting ready to release an egg *sigh* ahhhh yes I was and am ovulating. From what he could see there was nothing wrong with my uterus or ovaries. This did not have the expected effect of elation, oh no this actually made me feel devastated because the reality was I wasn't getting pregnant. Then I was dismissed because I was young and according to him "I had time". So now I'm back to charting. Truth is I think I'm actually scared of going back to a specialist and being dismissed. It's ok though, I'm feeling pretty positive that things may just work out with good timing, vitamins and baby aspirin. Please don't mistake this for me being delusional because I'm well aware that this may not work at all and that I may just be avoiding the inevitable. I'm just hopeful. I would like to leave you all with a question if you happen by this post feel free to leave an answer on my comments,what have you added or taken off your diet to improve your chances at ttc?
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