Sunday, November 25, 2012

The wait for the unpleasant old hag "Aunt Flow"

     Hello everyone, I am on CD42 17dpo currently waiting for AF and as fate would have it she is fashionably late. This cycle I had a very late ovulation on CD25 (a first for me) so I thought by 14dpo the hag would have made her monthly visit but she didn't. On the morning of 16dpo I reluctantly took a pregnancy test first thing in the morning and guess what... BFN!!!! Surprise surprise. Nothing like a negative pregnancy test when you're ttc to set the tone for the day. Ok so I wasn't very shocked I mean I've never had a BFP...ever. I honestly didn't believe I would get pregnant without some kind of help. I don't really "feel" pregnant so I don't really think I got a false negative. I just want AF to hurry up so I can start clomid I mean I'm on CD42 here wth? I haven't even been cramping so that makes me worry that she's not going to show up anytime soon.Other times I'm so sure that I'm pregnant and the bitch shows up on CD29 UGH!!! Sorry guys ranty post but I am pissed and I had to get it out. Much love and babydust****


  1. I hate the wait. That's the worst part. I know just how you feel. I'm the same way. I have a long cycle so I'm always like dammit, just hurry it up so I can start again. It's like you waste so much time just waiting for the inevitable.

    1. @Anonymous, so true. Long cycles suck so much. The waiting, the insanity and the uncertainty, all main components of the hellish 2ww.Only to start the whole process again once the cycle is over in the hopes of making a reality of our dream **sigh**. I hate this infertility hell of repetition.Oh well, here we go again ...
